Shree Durgaparameshwari Temple, Bappanadu


Once there was a demon called Darigasura ruling Shonitapura. He had enmity with Devatas and Lord Vishnu. In antagonism and with the intention of defeating the Devatas and Lord Vishnu he worshiped Lord Brahma and got a boon. With a help of this boon he defeated Devatas and Lord Vishnu and snatched the ammunitions from Lord Vishnu and handed over that to his wife and told to keep that in worship place. While Lord Vishnu was mourning for his lost ammunitions Goddess Durgaparameshwari appeared before him in the form of seven angel-women (Sapta-Durgas) and promised to kill a demon.

These Sapta-Durgas went to Shonitapura accompanied by one Deity called Guliga. Bhagavathi one of the Sapta-Durgas appeared before demon Darigasura while he was on the way to take a bath in the River, in disguised form of an old woman and begged for a meal. Darigasura advised her to go to palace and ask a meal with his wife. And also told her to tell him that if she didn’t get a meal. Accordingly, Goddess Bhagavathi visited the palace of Darigasura and met his wife but asked for ammunitions of Lord Vishnu to be returned. While wife of Darigasura opposed to return, Bhagavathi willingly and wrongly informed Darigasura that his wife is not ready to give her a meal.

Hearing that Darigasura ordered his wife to give Bhagavathi what she wished. Darigasura’s wife gave the ammunitions of Lord Vishnu to Bhagavathi accordingly. Knowing deceived by Goddess Bhagavathi, demon Darigasura became furious and declared war against Sapta-Durgas and attacked them in ambush. He defeated Deity Guliga in war. But after seven days of furious war demon Darigasura was defeated by Sapta-Durgas and ultimately, he ran away and took hide in underworld.

Goddess Bhagavathi taken form of Bhadra-Kali and began for his search. While demon Darigasura came for offering pooja to Lord Shiva in late evening, Bhadra-Kali found him and slewed him. Bhagavathi then accompanied by her other sister goddesses and Deity Guliga, visited Lord Vishnu and asked for a boat made by sandal wood for a journey from Vaikunta (Great heaven) to Bhooloka (earth) with a intention of settling down in Bhooloka for betterment of earthly people.

Lord Vishnu permitted them to take a Sandal wood tree from Vaikunta for preparing a boat. Accordingly, they made a boat and started their journey. Boat came to Bhooloka and crossed Kasaragod, Kumble, Uppala, Pattattur, Manjeshwara, Udyavara, Ullala and Kudroli of southern coast of India. From there it came to Sasihithlu near Mulki town. There, Bhagavathi took tender coconut from one lower caste devotee and wished to settle there only. Goddess Durgaparameshwari emerged symbolically in conjunction point of Shambhavi & Nandini River at Mulki border.


In due course, one Muslim merchant viz. Bappa Beary while traveling through Shambhavi River for trading in remote places, his boat suddenly stopped in the middle of the river. While examining the cause he found blood spread over the river water and he deeply felt fear on that. Mean time a divine voice came from the ether ordering him construct a temple with the help of Mulki Sawantha (king) and to make pooja by the help of Baila Udupa (priest). Mulki Sawantha was belonging to Jain religion and a decent ruler. Hearing the incident from Bappa Beary, the king built one temple with the contribution of many other donors and made Baila Udupa as a chief priest of the temple. Hence the temple became Bappanadu Kshetra.


Keeping this in mind, the family of Bappa Byari is honoured with the Prasad of Devi when the Utsavamurthi is taken out in a grand procession. The family offers flowers and fruits to the deity and this tradition symbolizes the deep bond of harmonious sentiments between the two communities.

The five Lingas are worshipped as Moola Durga, Agni Durga, Jala Durga, Vana Durga and Agra Durga on a single Panipeeta with the idol of Durga kept in front. Some of the important festivals celebrated are Karthika pooja Deepothsava, Sharannavarathri, Ugadi and on Fridays special Poojas are offered. Jatra is held in March-April for nine days and a play of fire between two groups of people is enjoyed as a religious entertainment. Bappanadu temple has five Rathas and the Brahma Ratha is massive and highly embellished in keeping with its name.


Bappanadu Sri Durgaparameshwari Temple

Bappanadu, Mulki

Mangalore Dist,Karnataka – 574154


0824 2290585

