Sri Venkatramana Temple, Karkala

Sri Venkatramana Temple, Karkala

About the Temple
Karkala Shree Venkataramana Temple, an ancient temple having a history of 550 years, belongs to Gauda Saraswat Brahmin Samaj. For various reasons Gauda Saraswat Brahmins migrated from Goa, their ancestral land for centuries, and settled in the location of Karkala. They erected a small temple, enshrined Lord Shree Venkataramana in it and worshiped him for the betterment of their religious, cultural and social welfare.

Eventually, devout followers in large numbers thronged this Devasthana (temple) and the Shrine earned the name of Padu Tirupathi Kshetra. To this day the temple continues to attract a great number of devotees.
After erecting this small temple, Gauda Saraswat Brahmins built their dwellings around it’s locus. Newcomers from Goa arriving from time to time also chose to build their homes in the locality and built a new town with the temple as the central nucleus, thus Transforming the area that once was a forest land.
This transformation may be attributed to the sympathies and largesse of Bhairarasa
 theMahamandaleshwar (sub-ruler affiliated to monarch) of Vijayanagar, the then 
ruler-of Karkala-Kalasa. He ruled from Hiriyangadi area which in those days was 
called Pandyanagari. This benevolent ruler, though born a Jain, displayed nonsectarian
 disposition and liberal religious tolerance. Gauda Saraswat Brahmin settlers who 
migrated from Goa in order to escape the 1/4 brutalities and forced conversions 
of Muslim and Portugese invadersfound in Bhairarasa a magnanimous benefactor, 
who gifted to them a hilly tract on the way from Karkala-to Varanga-Barkur.
Who are these Gauda Saraswat Brahmins? When did they arrive at Karkala from Goa? Was Goa 
itself their ancestral land? What is the history of Shree Venkatramana temple founded by them? 
How was its development brought about? What was the political and social status as well as            
life-style of people of Karkala in those times? As a result of a humble attempt to throw light on these queries, this book was born!

History Of the Temple

Karkala Sri Venkatramana temple is an ancient temple belonging to Gowda Saraswat 
Brahmin (GSB) community and it is also the main attraction of Karkala. The devotees 
from all corners visit the temple and obtain the grace of the Lord Sri Venkatramana.

Lord Sri Srinivasa is worshiped as the main and the presiding deity (pattada devaru) of the temple and is popularly known as ‘Chappara Srinivasa’.The daily deity (uthsava murthy) Lord Sri Venkatramana is also known as ‘Bhakta Vatsala’ who fulfills our wishes,answers any prayers made with devotion, instances of miracles in answer by the Lord here are cited by many. Legend has it that the idol of Lord Sri Venkatramana was brought to Karkala by Soma Sharma who is a ‘Vasista Gothreeya’ Gauda Saraswath Brahmin while migrating from Goa along with him.‘Sohire Prabhu’ family provided him the accomodation.

In those days there were no Vaishnava temples near Karkala and the only Vaishnava temple near by Goa was ‘Tirupati Sri Venkateshwara Temple’. So Prabhu and Sharma family thought of building a temple. People over here motivated them and supported them.They built a temple and installed the idol of Lord Sri Venkataramana and started worshipping him in the year 1450 A.D. Eventhough the exact year of installation is not known, as per the records the reinstallation ceromony was performed in the year 1537A.D.

Story goes that when a group of dacoits had attacked the temple during 1500 A.D, the priests of the temple had tried to prevent the main idol of the Lord and certain other valuable belongings of the temple from being taken away or destroyed by the invaders, by casting them away into a well near Mulki.


After the situation cooled down, the priests got back all the valuable belongings which 

they had cast away into the well, except for the main idol of the Lord. One day person 

from Mulki found the main idol in the well. By knowing this ,the people of karkala rushed 

to mulki to get back the idol.By the time they reached mulki,the people over there had 

installed it in ‘Shree Veera Vittala Temple’. From this incident,the people of Karkala 

assumed that the Lord wanted to grace the land of Mulki by his presence there. 

They found themselves in a dilemma as to what had to be done. They found it hard to

 believe that the Lord wanted to preside over Mulki, instead of Karkala. As if a solution 

to their dilemma,Lord appeared in the dreams of the people of Karkala and asked them 

to hand over his idol in Mulki to the people of Mulki. The Lord told his devotees that

 in the days that would come by, a hermit (sanyasi who used to collect Kanika from the 

devotees to be taken to Tirupati) would come to Karkala and give them another idol of

 the Lord in which he would have enshrined himself. As per the predictions,a few days 

later a hermit from Tirupati,who was an ardent devotee of Lord Venkatramana came to 

Karkala and handed over an idol of the Lord to the people. That idol was installed in the 

temple. The hermit laid down a condition that the idol would be taken every year to Tirupati 

along with the Kanika received and the hermit settled down in Karkala itself.

The Kanika received in the name of the Lord of Tirupati is offered religiously to Tirupati 

Temple,periodically in a pilgrimage called “Rama Dandu”. So far five such Yatras in the

 History of the Temple, the latest being in 1970, have taken place. Once a year in a grand

 and ceremonious procession Lord Shri Srinivasa is taken out in Golden Mandapa 

and Lord Shri Venkatramana in the Golden palanquins for Vanabhojana which literally

 means an outing to the forest in a magnificent Hagalu Utsav,to the eastern part of Karkala. 

Since Tirupati is in the east,Lord Srinivasa is supposed to have been taken to Tirupati.

 Incidentally,this is the only day in a year when the Lord Srinivasa is taken out of the temple. 

Thus the word given to the hemit is symbolically kept up year after year. The presiding deity 

over here Lord Srinivasa is called the Lord of Tirupati by the devotees, as the daily poojas 

here are almost like the ones offered at Tirupati. Therefore Karkala is also known as 

“Padu Tirupati” (Western Tirupati). The gold, silver & wooden “Vahanas” and also the other

 paraphernalia of the temple,speak volumes about the glory and the greatness of this temple.



Sri Venkatramana Temple
Udupi District, Karkala – 574104.
Karnataka, India.


+91 825 823 0311

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Temple Manager

Mr. Sitharam Prabhu